Peacock cichlids are some of the most beautiful fish in existence. They carry a wide variety of colors and on average between four and six inches in length. If they are well maintained, they can live up to 12 years. This unique native fish of Lake Malawi, which came into East Africa.
Ten different types of cichlids peacocks have been identified, but it is believed that there is still more to discover. Known types are: Indian Peafowl, Peacock sun, African butterfly, peacock Auloncara Fort Maguire, Auloncara gold peacock blue, peacock yellow, ruby red peacock, Baensch Maulana Bicolor, peacock and Nkhomo Benga.
Peacock Cichlids are freshwater fish. Caves or rocky ridges, who want to live under water You can keep these interesting fish at home as pets. Requirements for Aquarium them are as follows: a tank size of at least 45 gallons with plenty of rocks that are placed so that they cavernous areas or decorations caves they can do to go. You should also use something to keep the alkaline water. sand substrate is a good choice. This will also facilitate the process of reproduction.
They prefer to have their alkaline and hard as the waters of Lake Malawi water. The pH should be between seven and nine and a half years. You can also add some plants in the tank, but make sure they are very hardy plants that can withstand hard water. The water temperature should remain at sixty-eight degrees Celsius.
Peacock cichlids are omnivorous and therefore should have a diet of meat and vegetables should be provided. You can easily eat food pellets, but bloodworms, mosquito larvae, snails and crustaceans. Whenever a newborn fry, they can refine flake food or brine shrimp, which are given freshly hatched.
Peacock cichlids are less aggressive and lighter than other groups of cichlids manners. You can put in the tank with a few other types of fish as well as being peaceful. The ratio of female to male should be about two or three females to one male. These fish have an interesting way of reproduction. They are classified as Ovophile mouth breeders. This means that the whole process of reproduction, from fertilization to hatching of eggs for hatching happens in the woman's mouth.
The male peacock cichlid is a first dug in the sand substrate hole. The female lays eggs in this hole. It is then the eggs in the mouth, where they will keep for the next three or four weeks. She does not eat during this period.
Tuesday, 31 December 2013
Tropical Fish Freshwater Type
As the name implies, tropical fish found in tropical regions of the world . These fish are classified saltwater and freshwater fish into two categories. However, only freshwater fish being recalled as " tropical " of those fisheries. Suitable for breeding in aquariums , tropical fish of people from different countries are imported. These fish have become popular because of their varied colors and shades. The type of tropical fish range from those very aggressive for some sweet cash.
Tropical fish are mainly used for breeding in aquariums. Let's take a look at some of these types of tropical fish.
Oscars : There are three types, namely, the red oscar, red tiger Oscar and the pink oscar . Since the Oscar fish is aggressive and loves to dominate other fish , with less than six fish in an aquarium is a single opportunity for a strong oscar fish to intimidate others. Thus, it is advisable to keep , or one or more Oscar six of them in an aquarium. This helps to reduce the voltage between them. An Oscar needs an aquarium of at least 80 liters of water , while a 500 - gallon aquarium is needed to live comfortably for six Oscars. The large plecostomus and sharks share space with shark oscar without fighting or pinch each other.
Scalar : These fish belong to the genus Pterophyllum . The angelfish, a native of the Amazon Basin in South America, has three different types , Pterophyllum altum , Pterophyllum scalare and Pterophyllum leopoldi . Orb structure with triangular fins, so they hide among the plants and roots. This in turn helps Macro - respond invertebrates and small fish. The body striped fish help with the technique of ambush. The bands help to hide fish, so acts as camouflage. Just like oscar , angelfish to argue with each other . Thus more than six fish should be kept in an aquarium.
Tetra fish : Tetra fish is a small freshwater fish of the family Characidae belong . He lives in the light and dark waters , especially off the coast of Colombia , Brazil and Peru. Neon Tetra , the most popular types in Tetra fish grows to a maximum length of 5 cm.
Tiger Barb : The tiger barbs , also known as the beard of Sumatra, located in the waters of Sumatra , Borneo and the Malay Peninsula . The different colors in tiger barbs . Of silver , yellow, light green and brown The tiger barbs , which is brownish - yellow color , has black vertical stripes on the body and is a schooling fish . They are aggressive in nature and kill each other . For more than six tiger barbs should be kept in an aquarium.
Black knife fish : This black fish grows to a length of 25 inches. It produces a small electrical charge . Black knife fish prefer in sandy bays , their natural habitat and living requires water with a pH between 6.0 and 8.0 . At maturity , the fish need a tank capacity of 75 gallons. Peas are the staple food of these fish.
Fancy Guppies : The Fantasy guppies have different colors like red, blue , green and black. However, women do not have much variety in color and are either gray or beige. The temperature of the aquarium should be kept between 78F and 82F . Guppies can simply space with the aquarium ghost shrimp, catfish, dwarf frogs and gouramis . The addition of salt in the tank in small amounts, to the growth of these fish.
Mollies : Mollies come from the same family as the guppy . You need at least 15 liters of water when kept in an aquarium. Mollies can not tolerate polluted water and slightly sick. They require the water temperature is between 70F and 82F .
Tropical fish that are kept in aquariums , fish caught in the wild , born in captivity of species and hybrids. Divers are always in search of varied and colorful tropical fish species. Really, tropical fish , a gift of nature to man.
Tropical fish are mainly used for breeding in aquariums. Let's take a look at some of these types of tropical fish.
Oscars : There are three types, namely, the red oscar, red tiger Oscar and the pink oscar . Since the Oscar fish is aggressive and loves to dominate other fish , with less than six fish in an aquarium is a single opportunity for a strong oscar fish to intimidate others. Thus, it is advisable to keep , or one or more Oscar six of them in an aquarium. This helps to reduce the voltage between them. An Oscar needs an aquarium of at least 80 liters of water , while a 500 - gallon aquarium is needed to live comfortably for six Oscars. The large plecostomus and sharks share space with shark oscar without fighting or pinch each other.
Scalar : These fish belong to the genus Pterophyllum . The angelfish, a native of the Amazon Basin in South America, has three different types , Pterophyllum altum , Pterophyllum scalare and Pterophyllum leopoldi . Orb structure with triangular fins, so they hide among the plants and roots. This in turn helps Macro - respond invertebrates and small fish. The body striped fish help with the technique of ambush. The bands help to hide fish, so acts as camouflage. Just like oscar , angelfish to argue with each other . Thus more than six fish should be kept in an aquarium.
Tetra fish : Tetra fish is a small freshwater fish of the family Characidae belong . He lives in the light and dark waters , especially off the coast of Colombia , Brazil and Peru. Neon Tetra , the most popular types in Tetra fish grows to a maximum length of 5 cm.
Tiger Barb : The tiger barbs , also known as the beard of Sumatra, located in the waters of Sumatra , Borneo and the Malay Peninsula . The different colors in tiger barbs . Of silver , yellow, light green and brown The tiger barbs , which is brownish - yellow color , has black vertical stripes on the body and is a schooling fish . They are aggressive in nature and kill each other . For more than six tiger barbs should be kept in an aquarium.
Black knife fish : This black fish grows to a length of 25 inches. It produces a small electrical charge . Black knife fish prefer in sandy bays , their natural habitat and living requires water with a pH between 6.0 and 8.0 . At maturity , the fish need a tank capacity of 75 gallons. Peas are the staple food of these fish.
Fancy Guppies : The Fantasy guppies have different colors like red, blue , green and black. However, women do not have much variety in color and are either gray or beige. The temperature of the aquarium should be kept between 78F and 82F . Guppies can simply space with the aquarium ghost shrimp, catfish, dwarf frogs and gouramis . The addition of salt in the tank in small amounts, to the growth of these fish.
Mollies : Mollies come from the same family as the guppy . You need at least 15 liters of water when kept in an aquarium. Mollies can not tolerate polluted water and slightly sick. They require the water temperature is between 70F and 82F .
Tropical fish that are kept in aquariums , fish caught in the wild , born in captivity of species and hybrids. Divers are always in search of varied and colorful tropical fish species. Really, tropical fish , a gift of nature to man.
Black Knife Fish,
Freshwater Fish,
Tiger Barb,
Tropical fish,
Variety Fish
How To Keep Platy Fish
Platy fish is still considered holding a large fish for beginners. The species is native to Central America and is known for its beautiful bright colors. Here are some important tips if you want to keep Platyfischen -
First There are many varieties of Platys and their names are associated with their colors. So it is Platys gold , salt and pepper platies , Platys black , blue and calico Platys Platys . There is a wide choice available in the market and you should choose carefully in order to achieve a combination perfectly.
The second most varieties of Platyfischen carry a large dark spot on his tail. For this reason they are also called Harlequin . Some people call them Mickey Mouse Platy ! Pay particular attention to this point , while buying . If the stain fade or have not seen, they do not buy .
3 They have a lifespan of about three years. You can tolerate different degrees of hardness and a variety of water temperatures . However, if you keep the temperature of the water cooler, in the range of 60-75 ° C , they are very active and brighten their colors.
4 Your eating habits are entirely normal . They can be fed live food , frozen , flake food or algae from the aquarium! However, it is advisable to feed them with a variety of things, so they get the right nutrition.
5 females are larger than males. Females can grow up to 3 inches , but males that grow up to 2 inches . Males on the basis of their color and size are identified . They have a modified anal fin .
6 They are peaceful in nature and they can get in the same aquarium with other fish species. However, you should not keep a lot of men in the same aquarium, as they begin to fight among themselves . Another important thing about the other 's waist. If you have species that are large Platyfischen may not feel comfortable with them.
7 Although peaceful in breeding, they will be aggressive. Males are relentless , and they will attack females. Sometimes it is the women so badly that women can die badly! To avoid this, you should keep a few women ( at least three or four of them ) for each male . This will distribute the risk!
8 They are very fast breeders and multiply their population in the shortest possible time. So if you put them in your aquarium , you should think enough space for the future. You'll need plenty of space to swim and when they are kept in an aquarium packed, they will develop stress and they do not live longer.
9 If you can not accommodate a large aquarium in your house that you get from a garden pond can keep thinking.
10 They require a heater in the aquarium. In fact, if you keep them in cold water , they will be healthy and live longer. However , you must provide adequate lighting in the aquarium so that the lights come on and enjoy your family and friends to watch.
Chintamani Abhyankar is a goldfish enthusiast and has raised and breeding goldfish for many years . He is an expert on care and an advocate for raising healthy goldfish the natural way. His famous digital book [ ] , " Keeping Secrets Beautiful Goldfish " simple offer , easy to follow instructions for raising healthy goldfish Long Term Visit his website [ http . : / / ] to receive more information about professional raising your goldfish and get your free copy of his special report to learn " fish - Keeping Secrets Revealed leisure ."
First There are many varieties of Platys and their names are associated with their colors. So it is Platys gold , salt and pepper platies , Platys black , blue and calico Platys Platys . There is a wide choice available in the market and you should choose carefully in order to achieve a combination perfectly.
The second most varieties of Platyfischen carry a large dark spot on his tail. For this reason they are also called Harlequin . Some people call them Mickey Mouse Platy ! Pay particular attention to this point , while buying . If the stain fade or have not seen, they do not buy .
3 They have a lifespan of about three years. You can tolerate different degrees of hardness and a variety of water temperatures . However, if you keep the temperature of the water cooler, in the range of 60-75 ° C , they are very active and brighten their colors.
4 Your eating habits are entirely normal . They can be fed live food , frozen , flake food or algae from the aquarium! However, it is advisable to feed them with a variety of things, so they get the right nutrition.
5 females are larger than males. Females can grow up to 3 inches , but males that grow up to 2 inches . Males on the basis of their color and size are identified . They have a modified anal fin .
6 They are peaceful in nature and they can get in the same aquarium with other fish species. However, you should not keep a lot of men in the same aquarium, as they begin to fight among themselves . Another important thing about the other 's waist. If you have species that are large Platyfischen may not feel comfortable with them.
7 Although peaceful in breeding, they will be aggressive. Males are relentless , and they will attack females. Sometimes it is the women so badly that women can die badly! To avoid this, you should keep a few women ( at least three or four of them ) for each male . This will distribute the risk!
8 They are very fast breeders and multiply their population in the shortest possible time. So if you put them in your aquarium , you should think enough space for the future. You'll need plenty of space to swim and when they are kept in an aquarium packed, they will develop stress and they do not live longer.
9 If you can not accommodate a large aquarium in your house that you get from a garden pond can keep thinking.
10 They require a heater in the aquarium. In fact, if you keep them in cold water , they will be healthy and live longer. However , you must provide adequate lighting in the aquarium so that the lights come on and enjoy your family and friends to watch.
Chintamani Abhyankar is a goldfish enthusiast and has raised and breeding goldfish for many years . He is an expert on care and an advocate for raising healthy goldfish the natural way. His famous digital book [ ] , " Keeping Secrets Beautiful Goldfish " simple offer , easy to follow instructions for raising healthy goldfish Long Term Visit his website [ http . : / / ] to receive more information about professional raising your goldfish and get your free copy of his special report to learn " fish - Keeping Secrets Revealed leisure ."
How To Keep Platy Fish,
Platy Black,
Rasboras Or Rasbora Heteromorpha Are Members Of The Carp Family
Rasboras or Rasbora heteromorpha are members of the carp family . Rasboras are from Malaysia, Singapore , Sumatra and southern Thailand . There are several species of the genus Rasbora. We will focus our attention on R. heteromorpha . Greek translation literally means heteromorpha other form.
Rasboras are commonly called Harlequin fish or Harlequin Rasboras . This reference refers to the triangular black spots on the back half of her body , reminiscent of the pattern on the costume of a harlequin is found.
Rasboras have a calm demeanor . They are a good choice for a community tank if their tank mates are just as peace-loving and not large enough to be regarded as a food source . Rasboras are schooling fish . Schooling fish are very social creatures that work best as a community . You did not do well on a lonely existence. It is recommended that you have at least four of them top float tank in an aquarium.
Rasbora is a small fish . They only grow to a mature height of 1.5 to 1.75 cm. They thrive fresh water, slightly acidic with a pH 0f 6.8 and a temperature of water between 74 to 78 ° C. Under ideal conditions you can expect to live to 10 years.
Rasboras are omnivores . They survive quite well on a diet of common tropical fish flakes .
Distinguishing sexes in rasbora is relatively simple. The male organs are thinner . Women are particularly strong when carrying eggs . The marking on the back of their pronounced triangular body differs between the sexes. Men are defined angle marks that extend over the abdomen than women.
breeding Rasbora
In their natural habitat they live in flows that littered decay jungle. As a result of peat grows in abundance in streams free humic acid in water. The same conditions can be simulated by filtration of the aquarium water of peat or reproduction by adding a thin layer on the substrate peat. This will of course increase the level of acid in water. Make sure that the peat does not contain chemical additives or fertilizer.
A protein-rich diet of brine shrimp, bloodworms or tubifex is to induce reproductive cycle . Provide for sufficient plant to reproduce their natural spawning life.
The male begins the male and way to court . Once the phase of seduction is to spawn the couple in the foliage . Their eggs are deposited on the bottom of a wide sheet . Remove the adult breeding pool.
Once spawning Instead Found has to want to darken the tank. The young fish are susceptible to fungal growth. Wrap it with paper or foil until the hatch and the fry swim freely . Eggs hatch in about a day . After hatching, check the tank once a day. When you see the young fish swim free, then it 's time to feeding. There should be no more than 3 days or more.
Free swimming fry fry liquid food for egg layers or newly hatched brine shrimp can be fed formulated . An inexpensive and readily available alternative is powdered eggs . Do not put too much water to avoid camera shake.
The latest trend among fans of the sea water pools raises pet jellyfish. Jellyfish have specifically Jellyfish Aquarium aquariums. Jellyfish tanks are easier to maintain than traditional configurations seawater. Moon Jellies are the most popular among home aquarists both jellyfish . Their exotic beauty and ease of maintenance They were so popular that two U.S. websites are now tank raising them to meet the growing demand . Pet Moon Jellyfish look absolutely incredible under a fading LED lighting system .
Rasboras are commonly called Harlequin fish or Harlequin Rasboras . This reference refers to the triangular black spots on the back half of her body , reminiscent of the pattern on the costume of a harlequin is found.
Rasboras have a calm demeanor . They are a good choice for a community tank if their tank mates are just as peace-loving and not large enough to be regarded as a food source . Rasboras are schooling fish . Schooling fish are very social creatures that work best as a community . You did not do well on a lonely existence. It is recommended that you have at least four of them top float tank in an aquarium.
Rasbora is a small fish . They only grow to a mature height of 1.5 to 1.75 cm. They thrive fresh water, slightly acidic with a pH 0f 6.8 and a temperature of water between 74 to 78 ° C. Under ideal conditions you can expect to live to 10 years.
Rasboras are omnivores . They survive quite well on a diet of common tropical fish flakes .
Distinguishing sexes in rasbora is relatively simple. The male organs are thinner . Women are particularly strong when carrying eggs . The marking on the back of their pronounced triangular body differs between the sexes. Men are defined angle marks that extend over the abdomen than women.
breeding Rasbora
In their natural habitat they live in flows that littered decay jungle. As a result of peat grows in abundance in streams free humic acid in water. The same conditions can be simulated by filtration of the aquarium water of peat or reproduction by adding a thin layer on the substrate peat. This will of course increase the level of acid in water. Make sure that the peat does not contain chemical additives or fertilizer.
A protein-rich diet of brine shrimp, bloodworms or tubifex is to induce reproductive cycle . Provide for sufficient plant to reproduce their natural spawning life.
The male begins the male and way to court . Once the phase of seduction is to spawn the couple in the foliage . Their eggs are deposited on the bottom of a wide sheet . Remove the adult breeding pool.
Once spawning Instead Found has to want to darken the tank. The young fish are susceptible to fungal growth. Wrap it with paper or foil until the hatch and the fry swim freely . Eggs hatch in about a day . After hatching, check the tank once a day. When you see the young fish swim free, then it 's time to feeding. There should be no more than 3 days or more.
Free swimming fry fry liquid food for egg layers or newly hatched brine shrimp can be fed formulated . An inexpensive and readily available alternative is powdered eggs . Do not put too much water to avoid camera shake.
The latest trend among fans of the sea water pools raises pet jellyfish. Jellyfish have specifically Jellyfish Aquarium aquariums. Jellyfish tanks are easier to maintain than traditional configurations seawater. Moon Jellies are the most popular among home aquarists both jellyfish . Their exotic beauty and ease of maintenance They were so popular that two U.S. websites are now tank raising them to meet the growing demand . Pet Moon Jellyfish look absolutely incredible under a fading LED lighting system .
The Guppy And Molly Beautiful Tropical Fish
There are a wide variety of tropical freshwater fish that you add to your aquarium, but my two favorites are Mollies and fancy guppies . These fish are livebearers meaning that instead of eggs, they give birth to a little smaller fish , and they are very simple in fact , even for a beginner aquarists race .
Molly is a great fish for a beginner amateur . These fish are very hot and can withstand adversity and conditions and if you make a mistake, you can get a good chance you have to survive. You want to be sure you have a 15 - liter tank have less and you have a good heater , as these fish are like the temperature between 70 and 82 ° F
There are two types of Mollies , fin sailing and Kurzflosserzu choose . Molly Black Molly and gold dust in your pet - generally what you will find a short ribs Mollies . These fins sails are much more than a particular form , but are more difficult to maintain.
Mollies is the usual flake food that you will be fed to see the fish store , but you may want to mix in some lyophilized Blutwürmerund even throw in a few black worms or two to think for a treat. If your tank purpose not much algae you also want to supplement their diet with spirulina flakes .
Keeping Mollies , it is important to have more women than men. other fish that coexist well in an aquarium with mollies include the Plecostomus , Swordtails , Angelfish , Corydoras catfish , tetras Silver Tip , Red and Black skirts Serapes .
if they can develop an environment and care Mollies five inches long and live 5 years.
Fancy Guppies
The male fantasy Guppy is beautiful, with flowing tail light comes in a variety of beautiful colors - gold, green, blue - red , black. The woman on the other side is quite simple come in gray-brown. Many people like the guppy is a tropical fish tank with fresh water and keep them in multiple copies , which maximizes the beauty of their colors as they swim in schools.
if you continue , or perhaps even plan race formed it , then you must be sure to have a large enough tank to provide enough space in a good heater , how they want it done to be 78-82 ° C
Overall, guppies are quite easy to maintain as you feed by floating flake food with homeless or frozen brine Blutwürmerergänzt lyophilized.
You want twice as many women as men keep in your aquarium. You can also keep Neon Tetras , ghost shrimp, glass fish , gouramis , frogs and catfish dwarfs. In good terms guppies grow about 2 cm long and live about three years.
Both mollies guppies will do better if you have a bit of sea salt to add to your freshwater aquarium - just a tablespoon must for every 5 gallons. You might be able to be kept in an aquarium together, but just be aware that the bigger guppies molly attack.
Molly is a great fish for a beginner amateur . These fish are very hot and can withstand adversity and conditions and if you make a mistake, you can get a good chance you have to survive. You want to be sure you have a 15 - liter tank have less and you have a good heater , as these fish are like the temperature between 70 and 82 ° F
There are two types of Mollies , fin sailing and Kurzflosserzu choose . Molly Black Molly and gold dust in your pet - generally what you will find a short ribs Mollies . These fins sails are much more than a particular form , but are more difficult to maintain.
Mollies is the usual flake food that you will be fed to see the fish store , but you may want to mix in some lyophilized Blutwürmerund even throw in a few black worms or two to think for a treat. If your tank purpose not much algae you also want to supplement their diet with spirulina flakes .
Keeping Mollies , it is important to have more women than men. other fish that coexist well in an aquarium with mollies include the Plecostomus , Swordtails , Angelfish , Corydoras catfish , tetras Silver Tip , Red and Black skirts Serapes .
if they can develop an environment and care Mollies five inches long and live 5 years.
Fancy Guppies
The male fantasy Guppy is beautiful, with flowing tail light comes in a variety of beautiful colors - gold, green, blue - red , black. The woman on the other side is quite simple come in gray-brown. Many people like the guppy is a tropical fish tank with fresh water and keep them in multiple copies , which maximizes the beauty of their colors as they swim in schools.
if you continue , or perhaps even plan race formed it , then you must be sure to have a large enough tank to provide enough space in a good heater , how they want it done to be 78-82 ° C
Overall, guppies are quite easy to maintain as you feed by floating flake food with homeless or frozen brine Blutwürmerergänzt lyophilized.
You want twice as many women as men keep in your aquarium. You can also keep Neon Tetras , ghost shrimp, glass fish , gouramis , frogs and catfish dwarfs. In good terms guppies grow about 2 cm long and live about three years.
Both mollies guppies will do better if you have a bit of sea salt to add to your freshwater aquarium - just a tablespoon must for every 5 gallons. You might be able to be kept in an aquarium together, but just be aware that the bigger guppies molly attack.
Aquarium Freshwater,
The Swordtail Fish Keep And Breeding Tips
Xiphophorus helleri swordtail is the or a family member in Poecilidae Cyrinodontiformes control. Swordfish is endemic in North and South America. Their natural habitat stretches from Veracruz , Mexico to Honduras.
The swordtail name is literal. These fish are named for the peak area at the base of the caudal fin are . This species is sexually dimorphic . The extended tail is found only in the males of the species. Different sexes have the same color palette. The woman is slightly larger than males usually .
Swordtail be related to another popular fish among freshwater aquarium owners, the platinum commonly known as the southern platyfish . They are so closely related that they can interbreed and do it regularly in the wilderness.
Like its cousin , the southern platyfish , prolific reproduction of the sword-bearer chaos caused to ecosystems previously uninhabited. Wild populations in Africa and Australia . This ecological nuisance caused damage in new spawning grounds .
How many fish you see in Fishmongers Today , billfish has selectively bred to increase its appeal to the owners of the aquarium. Swordtails come in a variety of colors, including orange, red, black , green, yellow and multi-colored varieties.
Swordtail have a good-natured temperament . They are ideal for community tanks . They prefer fast moving water and dense vegetation of the tropical rivers and streams , but are carried out at home in the streams and canals. Accordingly, they are able to adapt in a variety of aquarium conditions .
Swordtails thrive in slightly alkaline range 7,0 to 7,3 pH water , with water temperatures between 72-79 ° C , you can grow as long as 5 inches and have an average life expectancy of up to 5 years.
Swordtail are omnivores . They are not picky. You can insist on a diet of nothing but tropical fish flakes , but regular protein supplements help to maintain their masculinity and coloring.
Breeding swordtail
The swordtail is a direct support fish. They share similar traits with other viviparous . Males have a modified anal fin as gonopodium , which is used to post the female during spawning inseminated. They also tend to harass the females of their species tend . A mixture of 2-3 females per male is recommended to limit the incidence of domestic violence. Specify plants for women is to hide also beneficial.
Swordtail often breed in community tanks . The desire to reproduce is in this species hermaphrodite women are so strong. In the population completely from women often turn into male to ensure the propagation of the species. The female will develop a dark spot on her pregnant belly after she becomes pregnant .
Fry pregnancy week have four to six. They arise from the female fully developed. Like most direct support fish , swordtail adults eat their fry . This can be easily avoided by the use of a case of the playback.
Fry can newly hatched brine shrimp, fry powder or liquid formulated for direct fish to be fed. An inexpensive and readily available substitute is powdered eggs .
Many homeowners Aquarium cringe at the thought of keeping a saltwater aquarium. What most of them do not know is that a jellyfish aquarium requires a little more maintenance than a freshwater tank. Keeping Pet Moon Jellyfish is the new trend in aquarium ownership .
The swordtail name is literal. These fish are named for the peak area at the base of the caudal fin are . This species is sexually dimorphic . The extended tail is found only in the males of the species. Different sexes have the same color palette. The woman is slightly larger than males usually .
Swordtail be related to another popular fish among freshwater aquarium owners, the platinum commonly known as the southern platyfish . They are so closely related that they can interbreed and do it regularly in the wilderness.
Like its cousin , the southern platyfish , prolific reproduction of the sword-bearer chaos caused to ecosystems previously uninhabited. Wild populations in Africa and Australia . This ecological nuisance caused damage in new spawning grounds .
How many fish you see in Fishmongers Today , billfish has selectively bred to increase its appeal to the owners of the aquarium. Swordtails come in a variety of colors, including orange, red, black , green, yellow and multi-colored varieties.
Swordtail have a good-natured temperament . They are ideal for community tanks . They prefer fast moving water and dense vegetation of the tropical rivers and streams , but are carried out at home in the streams and canals. Accordingly, they are able to adapt in a variety of aquarium conditions .
Swordtails thrive in slightly alkaline range 7,0 to 7,3 pH water , with water temperatures between 72-79 ° C , you can grow as long as 5 inches and have an average life expectancy of up to 5 years.
Swordtail are omnivores . They are not picky. You can insist on a diet of nothing but tropical fish flakes , but regular protein supplements help to maintain their masculinity and coloring.
Breeding swordtail
The swordtail is a direct support fish. They share similar traits with other viviparous . Males have a modified anal fin as gonopodium , which is used to post the female during spawning inseminated. They also tend to harass the females of their species tend . A mixture of 2-3 females per male is recommended to limit the incidence of domestic violence. Specify plants for women is to hide also beneficial.
Swordtail often breed in community tanks . The desire to reproduce is in this species hermaphrodite women are so strong. In the population completely from women often turn into male to ensure the propagation of the species. The female will develop a dark spot on her pregnant belly after she becomes pregnant .
Fry pregnancy week have four to six. They arise from the female fully developed. Like most direct support fish , swordtail adults eat their fry . This can be easily avoided by the use of a case of the playback.
Fry can newly hatched brine shrimp, fry powder or liquid formulated for direct fish to be fed. An inexpensive and readily available substitute is powdered eggs .
Many homeowners Aquarium cringe at the thought of keeping a saltwater aquarium. What most of them do not know is that a jellyfish aquarium requires a little more maintenance than a freshwater tank. Keeping Pet Moon Jellyfish is the new trend in aquarium ownership .
Monday, 30 December 2013
About Koi Fish
Considered a unique breed of fish, black Koi are well known to their specific color and pattern makes them very attractive from the kingdom of fish. Koi Fish have a long lifespan, they can live as long as two hundred years, but the typical life span is about 25-35 years.
Men Koi can be easily distinguished by their anal bowl-shaped configuration , they also have a distinctive breeding spots on their heads , spawning produce up to 1000 eggs. Koi fish are called fry baby , starts these emerging babies in approximately 96 to 168 hours or four to seven days. Survival is strongly dependent on the water temperature . These fish can not survive in the cold waters . Incredibly their color does not not appear until the fry reached the age of about three to twelve weeks.
Fry is not as colorful as adults but their color patterns be important when they reach the age of 3 weeks. The first Koi that were raised by the Japanese were only two color varieties . Through years of propagation Koi , they generated more variations of colors and patterns.
Black Koi is able to grow in length of approximately 4 meters long. That is why , when you raise this type of fish you need the size of the pond in advance for them. One of the products is changing Koi Koi Magoi was first cultivated black koi is capable of growing thirty to six inches long. The color is not really black, but instead of bronze. When viewed from above the water , but reflects a black koi . Due to the ability of the Magoi grow in size , they are used to maximize their growth potential by crossing to improve growth . The first black koi came and was nominated as Karasu means " crow" in Japanese. It is the second species, but it was not clicking on all koi amateur and never came significant market .
In 1980 Kumonryu become the most popular among the black Koi species and is commonly known as the "dragon " koi . Kumonryu are one of the strangest Koi . They are less in their scale adjustment model effectively throughout the function of changing the temperature of the water . This species is usually tattooed on human skin because it is a strong symbol for the Japanese and it symbolizes the strength and ferocity .
No one is absolutely sure what causes the color change, but the two best theories are a change in temperature or a change in pH. Kumonryu are usually black and white in winter generally occurs in spring and summer
Another type of black Koi that is unique is the Matsukawabake , it has the ability to change its color. Matsukawabake is actually very similar to a koi Kumonryu in that they all have various unstable modes on their bodies that fluctuate and change frequently. The color change is greatly affected by the food they eat , the water temperature and season . The black color of the original Matsukawabake is maintained in the absence of changes in temperature occur .
For true fans of pro koi, koi with black in their ponds is a breathtaking view . Make sure your black koi is an authentic , if you are able to enjoy the distinctive color of these black creatures roaming around your pond.
Men Koi can be easily distinguished by their anal bowl-shaped configuration , they also have a distinctive breeding spots on their heads , spawning produce up to 1000 eggs. Koi fish are called fry baby , starts these emerging babies in approximately 96 to 168 hours or four to seven days. Survival is strongly dependent on the water temperature . These fish can not survive in the cold waters . Incredibly their color does not not appear until the fry reached the age of about three to twelve weeks.
Fry is not as colorful as adults but their color patterns be important when they reach the age of 3 weeks. The first Koi that were raised by the Japanese were only two color varieties . Through years of propagation Koi , they generated more variations of colors and patterns.
Black Koi is able to grow in length of approximately 4 meters long. That is why , when you raise this type of fish you need the size of the pond in advance for them. One of the products is changing Koi Koi Magoi was first cultivated black koi is capable of growing thirty to six inches long. The color is not really black, but instead of bronze. When viewed from above the water , but reflects a black koi . Due to the ability of the Magoi grow in size , they are used to maximize their growth potential by crossing to improve growth . The first black koi came and was nominated as Karasu means " crow" in Japanese. It is the second species, but it was not clicking on all koi amateur and never came significant market .
In 1980 Kumonryu become the most popular among the black Koi species and is commonly known as the "dragon " koi . Kumonryu are one of the strangest Koi . They are less in their scale adjustment model effectively throughout the function of changing the temperature of the water . This species is usually tattooed on human skin because it is a strong symbol for the Japanese and it symbolizes the strength and ferocity .
No one is absolutely sure what causes the color change, but the two best theories are a change in temperature or a change in pH. Kumonryu are usually black and white in winter generally occurs in spring and summer
Another type of black Koi that is unique is the Matsukawabake , it has the ability to change its color. Matsukawabake is actually very similar to a koi Kumonryu in that they all have various unstable modes on their bodies that fluctuate and change frequently. The color change is greatly affected by the food they eat , the water temperature and season . The black color of the original Matsukawabake is maintained in the absence of changes in temperature occur .
For true fans of pro koi, koi with black in their ponds is a breathtaking view . Make sure your black koi is an authentic , if you are able to enjoy the distinctive color of these black creatures roaming around your pond.
About Koi Fish
Tropical Fish Freshwater Black Koi Information Fact
Koi can in a variety of bright and attractive colors . The best known is the black koi . Japanese soil and developed the skills needed to develop this type of fish. They studied their habits , modes of reproduction and feeding .
While there are plenty of colorful koi , the most popular of the black Koi . With its black color , it remains the cornerstone of the species that should be developed by the Chinese carp. Unlike the name suggests , most varieties of black koi have their own color variations as well. Here are some of the following:
1-The Karasu or theft. This is known to be the oldest known black Koi . Although they seem to be completely black when viewed from above the water , the abdomen can effectively be white or orange . They only appear black because of their upper body and fins all black .
2-The Hajiro . This type has white spots on the nose and fins.
3-The Magoi . This is the original black Koi . Some consider the magoi more koi be , and although it looks black when you first take a look, it is made of bronze. Of all the varieties of black koi, they can grow to be the largest of the bunch. In fact, some have grown to about four feet long.
4-The Kumonryu , which appeared in the 1980s. They are also known as the dragon fish. Many farmers believe that their marks on the body of the fish , they resemble a dragon, hence the name .
5-The Matsukawabake . Has the ability to change color and the Kumonryu . They usually have white spots on the skin as they age .
Like all varieties of carp, black carp koi can change their color as they age . Some stains profit while others lose . Their color is mainly affected by diet, temperature, season and health. A Koi that is well maintained slightly changes color. So if you are worried that your fish can change their color , not too much, do not worry , as long as you do your job taking care of him and in the catering sector , its needs .
Koi male can sometimes be detected from hatcheries that appear on his head. The anal region as a concave shape . Like most animals, males are courting . And because they are social by nature, love to swim in small groups. Fish that swim alone are probably sick or disabled . They create relationships with those they see with their human caregivers.
Black Koi fish spawn between spring and summer. Females can produce up to 1000 eggs. When the eggs hatch to start a roast ( the name of a baby koi ) are only fully emerge between four to seven days . The time of the full slip also depends on the temperature of the water . After three to twelve years , the fry begins to change color. This beautiful type of fish came first in a few colorways . When farmers began to notice the Farbmutationenvon their fish , they began to rise.
Black koi, in particular, can be as large as three feet long. Therefore , a large pool or pond is the ideal place to live . Typically Koi will change color to a dull or bright shade. The most interesting fact about the black koi fish is that to make it completely black or white, depending on seasonal variations or changes in water temperature . When it is returned to its natural habitat and perfect , their skin back to the original configuration.
The variety of colors is very attractive koi . It has the ability to literally change its shadow before your eyes , a feature that is common to a part of the nature of black koi . Support these types of koi fish can be fun. Its ability to be like a chameleon , keeps most of its farmers. If you look they swim around the pond , they look like jewels sparkle in the sunlight. In addition to their beauty , many believe that the Koi fish bring good luck and fortune endless
While there are plenty of colorful koi , the most popular of the black Koi . With its black color , it remains the cornerstone of the species that should be developed by the Chinese carp. Unlike the name suggests , most varieties of black koi have their own color variations as well. Here are some of the following:
1-The Karasu or theft. This is known to be the oldest known black Koi . Although they seem to be completely black when viewed from above the water , the abdomen can effectively be white or orange . They only appear black because of their upper body and fins all black .
2-The Hajiro . This type has white spots on the nose and fins.
3-The Magoi . This is the original black Koi . Some consider the magoi more koi be , and although it looks black when you first take a look, it is made of bronze. Of all the varieties of black koi, they can grow to be the largest of the bunch. In fact, some have grown to about four feet long.
4-The Kumonryu , which appeared in the 1980s. They are also known as the dragon fish. Many farmers believe that their marks on the body of the fish , they resemble a dragon, hence the name .
5-The Matsukawabake . Has the ability to change color and the Kumonryu . They usually have white spots on the skin as they age .
Like all varieties of carp, black carp koi can change their color as they age . Some stains profit while others lose . Their color is mainly affected by diet, temperature, season and health. A Koi that is well maintained slightly changes color. So if you are worried that your fish can change their color , not too much, do not worry , as long as you do your job taking care of him and in the catering sector , its needs .
Koi male can sometimes be detected from hatcheries that appear on his head. The anal region as a concave shape . Like most animals, males are courting . And because they are social by nature, love to swim in small groups. Fish that swim alone are probably sick or disabled . They create relationships with those they see with their human caregivers.
Black Koi fish spawn between spring and summer. Females can produce up to 1000 eggs. When the eggs hatch to start a roast ( the name of a baby koi ) are only fully emerge between four to seven days . The time of the full slip also depends on the temperature of the water . After three to twelve years , the fry begins to change color. This beautiful type of fish came first in a few colorways . When farmers began to notice the Farbmutationenvon their fish , they began to rise.
Black koi, in particular, can be as large as three feet long. Therefore , a large pool or pond is the ideal place to live . Typically Koi will change color to a dull or bright shade. The most interesting fact about the black koi fish is that to make it completely black or white, depending on seasonal variations or changes in water temperature . When it is returned to its natural habitat and perfect , their skin back to the original configuration.
The variety of colors is very attractive koi . It has the ability to literally change its shadow before your eyes , a feature that is common to a part of the nature of black koi . Support these types of koi fish can be fun. Its ability to be like a chameleon , keeps most of its farmers. If you look they swim around the pond , they look like jewels sparkle in the sunlight. In addition to their beauty , many believe that the Koi fish bring good luck and fortune endless
What Your Know About Tropical Anglefish
Angelfish are usually grown and lived in tropical areas such as the Amazon Basin. They are very keen to attract the attention of people especially during meals. They are among the first fish that are made in America and immediately became popular . They were brought to Europe in 1820. Scalar is one of the most beautiful and eye catching fish on the reef . They are also for his character traits that makes advised shy to be kept as a pet , is known. Angelfish are one of the most eye-catching fish that keep people happy . Make sure the right kind of care, so that they will live for a long time.
They grow and can live in large crowds , but this detail does not mean that scalar can not swim freely or without other fish around . Due to their flat body , they can easily move and they can escape , be pressed tightly together . Scalar out of their shelter , rushes, when they get a school of fish or just want to play . But if it is evil or a foe to make them swim back to hide in the rushes. In 1930, an angelfish have been bred in America. Because of its vibrant and colorful patterns, has scalar very popular worldwide in all pet stores.
Scalar is in tropical regions of India and South America. You have several genera and about 86 species extraordinary. You can use the freshwater cichlid angel with news of the Amazon basin are confused. Angelfish are the eye-catching fish because of their bright , vivid colors and deep, laterally compressed bodies. They are often compared with butterfly fish because of their similar description. Scalar has been long kept in captivity for breeding purposes , although some angels are not favorable for breeding because of its tendency to be aggressive.
Scalar are available in two variants and normal lamellar sailing, often more than 12 cm in height from the top of the dorsal fin at the end of the ventral fin . All lovers of angelfish can choose from different colors and patterns, as they like to choose as standard silver medals for gold , koi varieties of spotted leopard black half black and just about everything calm. Scalar can be up to 10-15 years old . Scalar black worms like to eat and to make mosquito larvae predators. Although angels are really aggressive, they tend to be when they get older , and if they are in the reproductive phase. Many fanatics angel fish are very fond of these angels he has become alone and traits very popular these days among other pet fish because of its beauty .
They grow and can live in large crowds , but this detail does not mean that scalar can not swim freely or without other fish around . Due to their flat body , they can easily move and they can escape , be pressed tightly together . Scalar out of their shelter , rushes, when they get a school of fish or just want to play . But if it is evil or a foe to make them swim back to hide in the rushes. In 1930, an angelfish have been bred in America. Because of its vibrant and colorful patterns, has scalar very popular worldwide in all pet stores.
Scalar is in tropical regions of India and South America. You have several genera and about 86 species extraordinary. You can use the freshwater cichlid angel with news of the Amazon basin are confused. Angelfish are the eye-catching fish because of their bright , vivid colors and deep, laterally compressed bodies. They are often compared with butterfly fish because of their similar description. Scalar has been long kept in captivity for breeding purposes , although some angels are not favorable for breeding because of its tendency to be aggressive.
Scalar are available in two variants and normal lamellar sailing, often more than 12 cm in height from the top of the dorsal fin at the end of the ventral fin . All lovers of angelfish can choose from different colors and patterns, as they like to choose as standard silver medals for gold , koi varieties of spotted leopard black half black and just about everything calm. Scalar can be up to 10-15 years old . Scalar black worms like to eat and to make mosquito larvae predators. Although angels are really aggressive, they tend to be when they get older , and if they are in the reproductive phase. Many fanatics angel fish are very fond of these angels he has become alone and traits very popular these days among other pet fish because of its beauty .
How to keep Tropical Fighting Fish
Find suitable accommodation for your fighting fish . In the wild , fighting fish live in shallow rice fields and wide.
Size of container / jar / tank suitable for fish will fight at least the size of two bricks . If possible , larger and wider container is suitable for your fighting fish . This is so that your fish can swim freely as in the wild fighting fish live in rice paddies , shallow and wide. Below is an image of an appropriate container for your fighting fish apart from the large aquarium .
Add aquarium equipment if needed such as water pumps or filters . Do not choose a filter that is too strong because it will interfere / restrict the movement of your fish.
If you want to add decorative items such as wood , fake trees ensure these items just enough clean because a dirty jewelry like wood nascent contain bacteria / algae / fungus that can kill fighters.
The tree of life is good water for your fish. It is more beautiful than a fake tree , and fighting fish playful, hiding and sleeping in the tree water . The tree of life also helps oxygenating abilities of water and to ensure clean water for a long time .
Appropriate water fighting fish is chlorine-free water . Filtered water and tap water is suitable for your fish because the water does not contain chlorine . If you use tap water let the water for 3-5 days before being used for fighting fish if you want you can add a little instant some anti - chlorine drops are available at any pet fish store . Treated water is also a good alternative for your fighting fish . Water has a major influence for the dirty water / chlorinated causes many diseases to your fighting fish because these waters contain bacteria that are not healthy for your fish. If the container / aquarium / jar lids fighting fish you do not make sure the water is not too full . Fighting fish are very active and can jump out of the aquarium .
Food shaped pellets suitable for your fish. Fighting fish only eat foods that fit with their mouths . Sometimes too picky fighting fish in the diet . You can change the types / brands. Foods such as fish food goldfish / koi fish are not suitable for you .
Do the fish you eat too much because of the fighting fish will continue to eat as long as you feed him . 8-9 pellets already enough for your fish.
The food not eaten chic lifted out of the aquarium . Food can be left long or water staining . Good food not eaten immediately released .
Live food such as larvae , worms dry / dried fish worms are also good for you because the food is safe and free from bacteria / parasites
For children you can feed the fish or fish food microworm crushed into powder for children only eat fish that fit in with his mouth.
Clean / wash your former fighting fish at least once a week. Put your fighting fish in the water a long time to clean the container. Clean your fish container with hot / warm water because soap can affect the health of your fighting fish .
Make sure you add anti - chlorine when using normal water / plumbing
Also make sure the water is changed each time the temperature of the water , to avoid sudden temperature changes that can be fatal for your fighting fish
Do not knock the former fish too but you can play with just moving a finger across the container and see it on your finger . Do not forget to name your fish if necessary.
Find suitable accommodation for your fighting fish . In the wild , fighting fish live in shallow rice fields and wide.

Size of container / jar / tank suitable for fish will fight at least the size of two bricks . If possible , larger and wider container is suitable for your fighting fish . This is so that your fish can swim freely as in the wild fighting fish live in rice paddies , shallow and wide. Below is an image of an appropriate container for your fighting fish apart from the large aquarium .
Add aquarium equipment if needed such as water pumps or filters . Do not choose a filter that is too strong because it will interfere / restrict the movement of your fish.
If you want to add decorative items such as wood , fake trees ensure these items just enough clean because a dirty jewelry like wood nascent contain bacteria / algae / fungus that can kill fighters.
The tree of life is good water for your fish. It is more beautiful than a fake tree , and fighting fish playful, hiding and sleeping in the tree water . The tree of life also helps oxygenating abilities of water and to ensure clean water for a long time .
Appropriate water fighting fish is chlorine-free water . Filtered water and tap water is suitable for your fish because the water does not contain chlorine . If you use tap water let the water for 3-5 days before being used for fighting fish if you want you can add a little instant some anti - chlorine drops are available at any pet fish store . Treated water is also a good alternative for your fighting fish . Water has a major influence for the dirty water / chlorinated causes many diseases to your fighting fish because these waters contain bacteria that are not healthy for your fish. If the container / aquarium / jar lids fighting fish you do not make sure the water is not too full . Fighting fish are very active and can jump out of the aquarium .
Food shaped pellets suitable for your fish. Fighting fish only eat foods that fit with their mouths . Sometimes too picky fighting fish in the diet . You can change the types / brands. Foods such as fish food goldfish / koi fish are not suitable for you .
Do the fish you eat too much because of the fighting fish will continue to eat as long as you feed him . 8-9 pellets already enough for your fish.
The food not eaten chic lifted out of the aquarium . Food can be left long or water staining . Good food not eaten immediately released .
Live food such as larvae , worms dry / dried fish worms are also good for you because the food is safe and free from bacteria / parasites
For children you can feed the fish or fish food microworm crushed into powder for children only eat fish that fit in with his mouth.
Clean / wash your former fighting fish at least once a week. Put your fighting fish in the water a long time to clean the container. Clean your fish container with hot / warm water because soap can affect the health of your fighting fish .
Make sure you add anti - chlorine when using normal water / plumbing
Also make sure the water is changed each time the temperature of the water , to avoid sudden temperature changes that can be fatal for your fighting fish
Do not knock the former fish too but you can play with just moving a finger across the container and see it on your finger . Do not forget to name your fish if necessary.
How to keep Laga Tropical Fish
Sunday, 29 December 2013
Ornamental Fish Family Most Popular in Malaysia
Ornamental fish industry is one that's is very high Potential for community development. In fact, Malaysia is Among the ornamental fish hobbyists. Ornamental fish are Considered as home spaces exciters want be as IMPORTANT The annual Assets Zoos and tourism. Let us know the Most popular ornamental fish in Malaysia.
Malaysia is a hub of ornamental fish Potential. Has nearly 250 species of freshwater fish. 1/3 of Them have great Potential as decoration. Popular species of exotic fish species. Among Miller's of course very well known for Their Cunning to caught and is known as the king of the river. Boot local freshwater fish species Difficult to breed. Boot the Potential to be developed
No 1
Among the family Cyprinidae , Barb , Seluang ( Rasbora ) and carp like Miller and Tengas .

Barb fish , ornamental fish species as popular in Malaysia , especially Tiger Bard , color stripes like a tiger

Mahseer species of exotic fish is popular in Malaysia, have a soft body and yummy , it's hard to live in the wild caught and clean water without contamination . Now a popular ornamental fish . Has 19 species worldwide and only 3 species in Malaysia .
No 2
From family Anabantidae . Some fish are popular as ornamental fish from this family is Pelaga Fish , Sepat and kaloi .

Colissa Lailia , popular ornamental species perch

Pearl gouramy, perch fish need water, sour, do not change the water often. But sure you clean the tank or aquarium.

Kaloi Fish is also a popular ornamental fish in Malaysia

Fish Pelaga , cheap and popular as ornamental fish , recalled his childhood before carrying containers and jars intakes , looking fighting fish and eel
No 3
Poecilliidae family . Among the most popular of these species , including fish and Molly Guppy.Platy SwordTail


Guppy fish is among the popular ornamental fish , with its small size but has a fluffy tail with a variety of colors and patterns, pictures on the guppy and molly bwah photo is tuxedo guppy

SwordTail among the most ornamental fish in the aquarium store , cheap price and easy to be defended .
No. 4
The family Cyprinidae such as Gold Fish and Koi Fish , a species that is very popular in Malaysia and around the world

Gold Fish , still tops the list of ornamental fish in the world , is very popular because of its golden color , but now there is a black goldfish

Koi fish , is a popular ornamental fish , native to East Asia is very popular as a complement Japanese garden art . Create a beautiful and quiet if reared in the pond right way decorations.
No 5
From the family Characidae ( Tetra ) , which is a fish Black Widow , Black Neon, Serpae Most fish from this family came from America, but quickly sprang up in Malaysia .

Black widow, Tetra fish that can grow in aquariums with ease
No 6
The family Cichlidae , the popular fish is the Angel Fish , Discus and Oscar


Angel fish, commonly seen in fish stores, but have never tried to defend. The beautiful fish reared in an aquarium. Among the best attributes of this fish is very dear to his sons, and called All the fish 'parental care'
Discus ornamental fish The Most elaborate care, but if you want to open a shop of ornamental fish, fish must be present, Because the price is expensive, but high demand.
A native of Europe, but it was much cultivated in Asia, Requires water quality as well as good food if you want to defend him.

Oscar, is selling the market
No 7
From family Osteoglossidae
Some of the most popular and arguably the most expensive ornamental fish in its class , the Arowana or Arowana . however, these fish are becoming extinct from the river in Malaysia . Usually colored Red, Gold and Green . Requires high capital to defend , because of its price is very expensive depending on the size , age and colours.Although faced violent , dwindling fish catches become more widespread as shown in Kerian River Silver (formerly I never write about )

Saturday, 28 December 2013
Tropical Fish Tank
This is essentially the amount of knowledge you have on this topic, depend. If you are not well informed, you might want to research the project before starting. The process is basically simple, but if done incorrectly, your fish to pay the price.
The first thing that is required is the purchase of certain elements to your tropical fish tank is working properly. The most important thing you need is a heating element. Since the fish that you keep will be used to swimming in warmer water, you need to keep your tank at this temperature. Good heating allow fish to swim, as if in their own local water, tropical to better overall aquarium.
A filter is another core element of the installation of a tank of tropical fish. The filter must be large enough to handle the size of the tank. The filter is the main source to keep the water clean and clear sound for better your fish. The lack of a suitable filter or a filter can lead to deposits of water and green algae in the reservoir. This is not the desired effect of a vessel and should be avoided.
Support for your tropical fish tank will focus on the tank. It can be bought or built, to add style, which was known to be a thorn in the side of a room. The stand must be strong enough to support the weight of the tank and the water is firmly support. Make sure the media can make your special tank or the result could be costly to treat.
The reaction of the corresponding tropical aquarium is not a difficult process. If you give the proper tools, you should have no problems. Heating, filter and all play an important role in keeping a tropical aquarium. They are all necessary and should not be excluded from the process. They allow you to enjoy your tropical aquarium up.
For more information on tropical fish tanks [], do not hesitate to visit us at: [http://www. fish]
The first thing that is required is the purchase of certain elements to your tropical fish tank is working properly. The most important thing you need is a heating element. Since the fish that you keep will be used to swimming in warmer water, you need to keep your tank at this temperature. Good heating allow fish to swim, as if in their own local water, tropical to better overall aquarium.
A filter is another core element of the installation of a tank of tropical fish. The filter must be large enough to handle the size of the tank. The filter is the main source to keep the water clean and clear sound for better your fish. The lack of a suitable filter or a filter can lead to deposits of water and green algae in the reservoir. This is not the desired effect of a vessel and should be avoided.
Support for your tropical fish tank will focus on the tank. It can be bought or built, to add style, which was known to be a thorn in the side of a room. The stand must be strong enough to support the weight of the tank and the water is firmly support. Make sure the media can make your special tank or the result could be costly to treat.
The reaction of the corresponding tropical aquarium is not a difficult process. If you give the proper tools, you should have no problems. Heating, filter and all play an important role in keeping a tropical aquarium. They are all necessary and should not be excluded from the process. They allow you to enjoy your tropical aquarium up.
For more information on tropical fish tanks [], do not hesitate to visit us at: [http://www. fish]
Tropical fish tank
The Freshwater Tropical Angelfish
Many aquarists like to keep a freshwater angelfish. The charm of this amazing inhabitants of the water with its extraordinary patterns and colors should not have any freshwater species. Her beauty would adorn each tank and each piece that keeps your colorful underwater display. Owning one is a great sense of pride for all aquarists.
Emerging from South American rivers, there are now many varieties of this species. Very often, the silver angelfish, angelfish marble, scalar Altum, deep scalar, scalar Orinoco gold scalar, scalar black, albino scalar, scalar and zebra are grown in tropical fish fry some more. Belonging to the family of cichlids, these fish have many behaviors that are common for cichlids are usually more when it comes to breeding mainly. Although considered in the soft kind, adults-angle some tend to show aggression. Like most cichlids, their territorial instinct makes them aggressive towards other species and even the same. As they are generally the same requirements in terms of servicing and maintenance, aquarium usually makes its preference, it is the most impressive. The deep scalar however, will still grow due to its ability to double the size of a normal angel and is now a popular popular capita for individual species tanks.
These types of web pages are easily available at local pet stores and water line, but because of the growing demand for such reproduction are constantly breeding different varieties to meet all the requirements of many aquarists . Diamond has a marble scalar exotic appeal something striking and are searched in the vernacular. A combination of silver diamond scalar marble Goldfish, angelfish Pearl, Blue Merle Red dot and a little more with colors and original designs, creating a magnificent spectacle reef. An elegant choice for a type of tank is Red Black, the color is perfect in a tank subtly decorated with carefully selected to create the most extraordinary display underwater lights.
The accessibility of this type makes it more valuable by amateurs. The most common options are available for less than $ 8 and the price will vary somewhat depending on the size. More richly colored angels, including those who have reached their maximum size could be obtained only a little over $ 22. For these beautiful creatures, the prices are incredibly amazing. Despite their tendency to aggression in adulthood angels always keep even the safest considered animals, and certainly the most attractive. Could offer to your local fishmonger advice on which variety is best for you, as the type of tank you need to keep.
Certainly a big tank would be the rarest varieties give the show more spectacular reef. Local tropical fish online and must meet all kinds of breeds freshwater angels for sale in the aquatic display of your dreams.
Emerging from South American rivers, there are now many varieties of this species. Very often, the silver angelfish, angelfish marble, scalar Altum, deep scalar, scalar Orinoco gold scalar, scalar black, albino scalar, scalar and zebra are grown in tropical fish fry some more. Belonging to the family of cichlids, these fish have many behaviors that are common for cichlids are usually more when it comes to breeding mainly. Although considered in the soft kind, adults-angle some tend to show aggression. Like most cichlids, their territorial instinct makes them aggressive towards other species and even the same. As they are generally the same requirements in terms of servicing and maintenance, aquarium usually makes its preference, it is the most impressive. The deep scalar however, will still grow due to its ability to double the size of a normal angel and is now a popular popular capita for individual species tanks.
These types of web pages are easily available at local pet stores and water line, but because of the growing demand for such reproduction are constantly breeding different varieties to meet all the requirements of many aquarists . Diamond has a marble scalar exotic appeal something striking and are searched in the vernacular. A combination of silver diamond scalar marble Goldfish, angelfish Pearl, Blue Merle Red dot and a little more with colors and original designs, creating a magnificent spectacle reef. An elegant choice for a type of tank is Red Black, the color is perfect in a tank subtly decorated with carefully selected to create the most extraordinary display underwater lights.
The accessibility of this type makes it more valuable by amateurs. The most common options are available for less than $ 8 and the price will vary somewhat depending on the size. More richly colored angels, including those who have reached their maximum size could be obtained only a little over $ 22. For these beautiful creatures, the prices are incredibly amazing. Despite their tendency to aggression in adulthood angels always keep even the safest considered animals, and certainly the most attractive. Could offer to your local fishmonger advice on which variety is best for you, as the type of tank you need to keep.
Certainly a big tank would be the rarest varieties give the show more spectacular reef. Local tropical fish online and must meet all kinds of breeds freshwater angels for sale in the aquatic display of your dreams.
keep aquarium
The Gold Barb
Gold Barb Puntius semifasciolatus is an excellent small aquarium fish. It usually grows about two inches long (5 cm), even if I see the nearly 4 inches (10 cm). Gold Barb Southeast Asia, although the shape of the actual gold does not exist in nature. Their usual life of approximately five years.
Name confusion
This fish has many names. Other names include Golden Barb Barb Schubert, Barb Green, Half Stripped Barb Barb China, Chinese, and half Six Stripped Barb Barb met. Other scientific names it has been known the following: Barbus semifasciolatus, Ponce Shubertii, Puntius Shubertii Barbus Shubertii and Capoeta semifasciolatus.
To add to the confusion of the name, Barb is often confused with Gold: Gold Barb (Puntius of Gelius) or Barb (Puntius sachsii) gold fins. The species name refers to Shubertii Tom Shubert of Camden, New Jersey, USA, who developed the Gold Barb. He did it through selective breeding, probably from the wild-type Puntius semifasciolatus in the 1960s. I remember when I was to keep fish in the 1960s, a teenager and later was called the Gold Barb Barbus Shubertii. It was considered by some as a distinct species, but it was an indication that it was a form of Puntius semifasciolatus. I do not Barbus Shubertiiwas never think of a valid scientific name.
Water conditions
The golden beard grows in cooler than most tropical fish water. 18-24 degrees C (64-75 ° F) is preferred range of this fish, but it will definitely survive a few degrees above and a few degrees below. This means that it either for a tropical aquarium with the temperature to 24 degrees C (75 ° F) or in unheated areas not very cold reservoir reception is set. It is interesting that the color change is not the only change that has occurred when Mr. Shubert was this fish. The form of gold here is slightly less hardy than the wild type.The wild type is sometimes sold China and Barb is a good aquarium fish but not as nice as Barb gold colored.
Gold Barb loves enough fresh water, slightly acidic, but does well on a range of pH. I generally neutral (7). It tolerates moderate amount of hardness in the water.
Gold Barb is an omnivore easily supplied. Good quality fish food is an excellent base for food. Like almost all fish and most other animals or Barb enjoys the occasional change in his diet. Live food such as daphnia and mosquito larvae are greedy. Frozen blood worms are also a good treatment.
Gold Barb is a schooling fish and a minimum of six should be retained. Gold Barb is not as likely to be a fin clip as Rosy barbs and tiger barbs, but be kept with these fish and other non-aggressive fish such as tetras Paraguay, Buenos Aires Tetras and Colombian Tetras. As Gold Barb is peaceful, it can also be kept with fish such as tetras and rummy nose tetras Pristella. I do not recommend it. Companion as Siamese fighting fish, guppies and Endler's Guppies Small fish such as neon tetras and cardinal tetras can certainly be kept with small gold beards. In all cases, avoid too much difference in size between the fish in the aquarium. Not too big, aggressive or predatory fish gold beards.
Gold barbs scatter their eggs on plants, leaves, preferably in order. Men tend to be more brilliant in color and when you are ready to reproduce, get a red-orange belly. The females are in a matt color and fuller. Increasing the temperature to about 27 degrees C (80 degrees F) and a decrease of the pH value to about 6.5 tend to encourage them to breed. Spawning can be a bit violent, so the tank must be large enough. I suggest at least two feet (60 cm) long.
The actual spawning is usually on when the tank starts the morning light. I suggest to remove the parents immediately after spawning. The average number of eggs per female is about a hundred, even though I knew a woman who has produced more than 400 eggs in a spawning.
Another way is to reproduce, to have it in a container as large as possible, with a large number of plants and let parents in. Of course, probably less than you get back babies, but it is a little closer to what is in the could wild happen. A variant of this method is to put them in a well-planted in the summer pond and catch the fish before it is too cold in the fall (autumn). The eggs are yellowish in color. They should hatch in 2-3 days. Fry eating fine and dry food, but enjoy life appropriate size in all phases of food.
Name confusion
This fish has many names. Other names include Golden Barb Barb Schubert, Barb Green, Half Stripped Barb Barb China, Chinese, and half Six Stripped Barb Barb met. Other scientific names it has been known the following: Barbus semifasciolatus, Ponce Shubertii, Puntius Shubertii Barbus Shubertii and Capoeta semifasciolatus.
To add to the confusion of the name, Barb is often confused with Gold: Gold Barb (Puntius of Gelius) or Barb (Puntius sachsii) gold fins. The species name refers to Shubertii Tom Shubert of Camden, New Jersey, USA, who developed the Gold Barb. He did it through selective breeding, probably from the wild-type Puntius semifasciolatus in the 1960s. I remember when I was to keep fish in the 1960s, a teenager and later was called the Gold Barb Barbus Shubertii. It was considered by some as a distinct species, but it was an indication that it was a form of Puntius semifasciolatus. I do not Barbus Shubertiiwas never think of a valid scientific name.
Water conditions
The golden beard grows in cooler than most tropical fish water. 18-24 degrees C (64-75 ° F) is preferred range of this fish, but it will definitely survive a few degrees above and a few degrees below. This means that it either for a tropical aquarium with the temperature to 24 degrees C (75 ° F) or in unheated areas not very cold reservoir reception is set. It is interesting that the color change is not the only change that has occurred when Mr. Shubert was this fish. The form of gold here is slightly less hardy than the wild type.The wild type is sometimes sold China and Barb is a good aquarium fish but not as nice as Barb gold colored.
Gold Barb loves enough fresh water, slightly acidic, but does well on a range of pH. I generally neutral (7). It tolerates moderate amount of hardness in the water.
Gold Barb is an omnivore easily supplied. Good quality fish food is an excellent base for food. Like almost all fish and most other animals or Barb enjoys the occasional change in his diet. Live food such as daphnia and mosquito larvae are greedy. Frozen blood worms are also a good treatment.
Gold Barb is a schooling fish and a minimum of six should be retained. Gold Barb is not as likely to be a fin clip as Rosy barbs and tiger barbs, but be kept with these fish and other non-aggressive fish such as tetras Paraguay, Buenos Aires Tetras and Colombian Tetras. As Gold Barb is peaceful, it can also be kept with fish such as tetras and rummy nose tetras Pristella. I do not recommend it. Companion as Siamese fighting fish, guppies and Endler's Guppies Small fish such as neon tetras and cardinal tetras can certainly be kept with small gold beards. In all cases, avoid too much difference in size between the fish in the aquarium. Not too big, aggressive or predatory fish gold beards.
Gold barbs scatter their eggs on plants, leaves, preferably in order. Men tend to be more brilliant in color and when you are ready to reproduce, get a red-orange belly. The females are in a matt color and fuller. Increasing the temperature to about 27 degrees C (80 degrees F) and a decrease of the pH value to about 6.5 tend to encourage them to breed. Spawning can be a bit violent, so the tank must be large enough. I suggest at least two feet (60 cm) long.
The actual spawning is usually on when the tank starts the morning light. I suggest to remove the parents immediately after spawning. The average number of eggs per female is about a hundred, even though I knew a woman who has produced more than 400 eggs in a spawning.
Another way is to reproduce, to have it in a container as large as possible, with a large number of plants and let parents in. Of course, probably less than you get back babies, but it is a little closer to what is in the could wild happen. A variant of this method is to put them in a well-planted in the summer pond and catch the fish before it is too cold in the fall (autumn). The eggs are yellowish in color. They should hatch in 2-3 days. Fry eating fine and dry food, but enjoy life appropriate size in all phases of food.
fresh water,
gold barb
Tropical Fish - Blue Gourami
Blue Gourami, sometimes also called 3 Spot Gourami is a popular freshwater tropical fish for aquariums. these fish are usually a bright blue color and three dark spots, one on the base of the tail, one in the middle of the body and the eye which resembles the third. The Gourami type of fish itself comes in different colors, blue which you often in pet stores, gold and opal and some other varieties of rear glass. These fish can be very large and are best suited for large aquariums.
The Blue Gourami is easy enough exist for fine fish floating flake food, you will probably spend the majority of other fish in the tank and keep the diet. Like most living things, but these fish need a little variety and it is good to take from time to time to be sure, in some freeze dried blood worms or frozen brine shrimp, they get all essential nutrients they need.
If you are a gourami fish, which is very low, you may be able to buy for the launch, being in a small aquarium, but will need some time to get 50 gallons or more than the fish grows . This type can be very large and you can be sure it must be housed in an appropriate manner. You should also make sure that you have a good heater in the tank, because they, like many other tropical freshwater fish, you need the water temperature between 70 and 82 ° C are the other conditions tank, a pH of 6.0 to 8.8 and a hardness of 5-35 DGH.
Because these fish are used to establish the water thick vegetation in their native tropical Far Eastern waters, the gourami will feel at home when you have in your aquarium many plants. They get along with other fish in their own way, but you must ensure that you keep in the tank and many gourami preferred another type of league against other fish. It is best to at least 4 gouramis in the tank and do even better when you get a mixture of blue, gold and opaline varieties. In general, you want to stay with a single male and the tank, as they can be territorial.
Blue Gourami enjoys the company of other varieties of Gourami. You can keep the gold, blue, and Opaline Gourami together peacefully in the same aquarium. Curiously, if your tank only has a variety of Gourami with other species of fish, gourami will conspire against other fish. If you have a mix of Gourami in the tank among other species of fish, gouramis tend to focus on their own terms and at rest let other fish. It is recommended that you have a minimum of four gourami in your tank with a mixture of different varieties.
Long to get in the tank with other fish of the same size and live in peace with barbs, clown loaches, Bala sharks, Danios, rainbow sharks, and Red Tail Rainbow gourami.
If you circumstances they can be a excellent care of your gouramis and with good reservoir live until the age of four years and grow to be up to 4 cm in length.
Lee Dobbins writes for Fish Tank Guide where you concerning the creation and maintenance of an aquarium and be able to learn more about your tropical aquarium fish.
The Blue Gourami is easy enough exist for fine fish floating flake food, you will probably spend the majority of other fish in the tank and keep the diet. Like most living things, but these fish need a little variety and it is good to take from time to time to be sure, in some freeze dried blood worms or frozen brine shrimp, they get all essential nutrients they need.
If you are a gourami fish, which is very low, you may be able to buy for the launch, being in a small aquarium, but will need some time to get 50 gallons or more than the fish grows . This type can be very large and you can be sure it must be housed in an appropriate manner. You should also make sure that you have a good heater in the tank, because they, like many other tropical freshwater fish, you need the water temperature between 70 and 82 ° C are the other conditions tank, a pH of 6.0 to 8.8 and a hardness of 5-35 DGH.
Because these fish are used to establish the water thick vegetation in their native tropical Far Eastern waters, the gourami will feel at home when you have in your aquarium many plants. They get along with other fish in their own way, but you must ensure that you keep in the tank and many gourami preferred another type of league against other fish. It is best to at least 4 gouramis in the tank and do even better when you get a mixture of blue, gold and opaline varieties. In general, you want to stay with a single male and the tank, as they can be territorial.
Blue Gourami enjoys the company of other varieties of Gourami. You can keep the gold, blue, and Opaline Gourami together peacefully in the same aquarium. Curiously, if your tank only has a variety of Gourami with other species of fish, gourami will conspire against other fish. If you have a mix of Gourami in the tank among other species of fish, gouramis tend to focus on their own terms and at rest let other fish. It is recommended that you have a minimum of four gourami in your tank with a mixture of different varieties.
Long to get in the tank with other fish of the same size and live in peace with barbs, clown loaches, Bala sharks, Danios, rainbow sharks, and Red Tail Rainbow gourami.
If you circumstances they can be a excellent care of your gouramis and with good reservoir live until the age of four years and grow to be up to 4 cm in length.
Lee Dobbins writes for Fish Tank Guide where you concerning the creation and maintenance of an aquarium and be able to learn more about your tropical aquarium fish.
blue gourami,
Tropical fish
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